Wine & Health
Wine and Health 04/04/2011

By Vasiliki Koutsokosta

Resveratrol is an herbal ingredient found in the skins of grapes, berries, pine trees, the eucalyptus, peanuts and beans, with grape skins containing by far much larger quantities of Resveratrol. Resveratrol belongs to the family of fytoalexinon. This is a natural antibiotic that plants produce for their defense. Especially when the plants are infected by parasites/fungi, they produce increased amounts of Resveratrol.

In colder climates the grapes are more affected by fungi and so the content of resveratrol is higher in regions with colder climates. The content of resveratrol in grapes  is related to the duration of the presence of grape skins. The longer the skins remain, so will they contain more resveratrol. The substance of  resveratrol is considered the active ingredient that makes the grapes have positive effects on the heart and also show anticancer properties.

The publication of the beneficial actions of resveratrol in grapes has gained ground to a great extent. The positive results of Resveratrol have significantly influenced not only the general public but also companies that isolate resveratrol and sell it as a separate pharmaceutical preparation. The investigations to date, which examined the relationship of the grape and resveratrol on the one hand and the cardiovascular system on the other showed:

• Reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease.
• Antioxidant action of resveratrol.
• Reducing the oxidation of LDL and other lipoprotein lipid protection against oxidation of lipids in cells. The antioxidant effects of resveratrol may be greater than that of vitamins C and E.
•Decreases  platelet aggregation and so contributes in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
• In relation to the anticancer activity of resveratrol it appears mostly from laboratory studies that it can suppress the synthesis of free radicals, reduces the risk of mutations and inflammation.

The total of these actions can stop cancer cells from initiating and protect the body from cancer. Notwithstanding the above, we must emphasize the need for additional studies in animals and humans to see whether resveratrol alone may have a safe and effective action. Additionally, the similarity of resveratrol with diethylstilvesteroli is cause for concern.  Diethylstilvesteroli is a synthetic estrogen linked to the development of breast cancer cells.
So in conclusion, we see that the situation on the Resveratrol requires caution. Furthermore, it is inappropriate to recommend the consumption of large quantities of red grapes because of the positive properties of resveratrol. Indeed, a great grape consumption poses risks of gastrointestinal disorders. We should therefore be very careful about what industries such as food, nutritional supplements and other pharmaceutical companies are touting for human consumption by the general public.

The French Paradox

The consumption of grapes appears to be strongly related to the maintenance of our health and this is confirmed by the 'French paradox': It is known that the French consume high quantities of grapes, but do not pay particular attention to their diet: high consumption of fat and cholesterol in butter, eggs, cream in most foods and fatty foods are some of the favorite foods of the French.

Nevertheless, and while one would expect them to feature prominently in global rankings of morbidity from cardiovascular diseases, paradoxically, the opposite is true. They have much lower incidents of heart disease compared to Americans, at the same time as the latter are consistently reducing the fat in their diets. In a recent study of 50 average people of Paris compared with 50 average residents of Boston, the French were  found to live longer and healthier than the Americans.

The death rate from cardiovascular disease among the French people is 75 per 100,000, while the figure for Americans is more than twice. The Greeks who also feature prominently in the consumption of grapes in the world have a relatively high rate of longevity.

Sources: www.nutrimed.grwwSources:


Wine and Health 04/04/2011
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